Hi, I am 64 yrs old female. I am diabetic, have high pressure and cholestrol. I have been taking the following medicines for the last 10 to 12 years. 1) Envas 5 2) Amlovas 5 3)Triglimiplrex 2 4) Ecospirin AV 75 5) Losartian Potassiu 25 6)Diabefone. With the medicines, sugar, pressure and cholestrol are in control. In the month of Feb. i had slipped and hurt by knee . Knee asperation was done and 50 ml. of blood had been asperated. Initially I was not able to bend the knee and could walk only with the help of a walker. Now I am able to walk and the knee also bends a lot. I can sit on the chair and walk slowly, but can not sit on the ground. For the last four days some red colour spots has developed on my both the legs below the knee till the ankel. The docotr says it is due to some allergy . So he has advised to stop Ecospirin AV 75 for 10 days. He has advised to take Citrizen for 10 days and apply Calamin on the skin. I am confused as have been taking these mediciens for the last so many years, but red spots have appeared only now. Is it allergy or something else. Plese suggest.