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From your description, it looks like you have developed allergic
contact sensitivity
to any one of the components of the lotions that you have been prescribed..
So for the time being, stop using both of these..
Apply a
topical steroid like
hydrocortisone cream over the affected areas twice
a day for 3-4 days
Take oral antihistamines like levocetrizine once a day
Use a sunscreen over your face regularly before going out in the sun
Do not use or apply any other creams /lotions/oil over your face.
Once the rash disappears, you can restart with the lotions one by one,,,
First use the day time lotion for 3-4 days, and if there is no irritation,
Introduce the night lotion,,,,Stop the lotions on any slightest hint of irritation
Psoriasis presents with mostly asymptomatic red lesions,,mostly appearing
first over the
scalp..So this doesnt look to be in your case
Hope it helps
Wishing you speedy recovery
Dr Geetika Paul