I have strange redness and elevation where it is red on my lower lip. The upper lip is fine. It does not burn, it does not itch. If I put my teeth on it it will be sensitive. I am premenstrual right now. I am wondering if it could be hormonal or stress related. I have been dealing with hate mail and negative criticism the past couple of weeks. This is the first time I have anything like this. I also took too many remedies a few weeks ago and had to cleanse my body. Maybe it's a form of mild blood poisoning. Also, there was a pimple on the side of my lip, it is deflating now, puss came out and since then it does not hurt. The pimple is not red. Only ON the lip is it red, dotted red in areas and one spot is elevated. Oh, I am 30 years old. What can I do to make this go away, thanks.