Hi ! Your flu and the
diarrhoea with abdominal cramps may or may not be related. In case of children it is more common to have abdominal symptoms with flu, but it is not very common in adults, specially abdominal cramps for so long a duration.
The first diagnosis comes to the mind is a food
poisoning. Possibly you did not recieve proper complete treatment for it and this led to more severe cramps in your abdomen. You did not mention anything about fever. If it was there, then it goes more in favour of infection in the intestines.
There is no harm in taking
antacid and antiflatulents, but I am not in favour of your taking enema. After any loose motions, it is but natural that the bowel becomes empty, and it takes time for the bowel to get loaded with fecal matter to get the urge of passing stool again. Also without knowing the exact cause of the cramps in your abdomen which could be any surgical cause like
diverticulitis, one should not opt for an anema. It is difficult to tell whether the swelling on the left side of your lower abdomen is due simple inflammation with mass formation or a leaking diverticulitis precipitated by self enema by yourself.
In my opinion, you should consult at your earliest a
general surgeon, who may advise some routine investigations for you apart from going for an
ultrasound /
CT scan depending on the initial examination findings.
One more possiblilty of the swelling is left sided inguinal hernia but your history does not go much in favour of it.
Anyways I think it is time for you to see your general surgeon and seek his advice. Good luck.