my 3 yr old kid has following blood report.. total protine-8.1, albbumin-4.8, globulin-3.3, biluribi(total)-0.78, bilurubin(conju)-0.16, bilurubin(unconju)-0.62, alk.phosphatase-304, sgot(ast)-50, sgpt( alt )-27.... Hb%-11.5, wbc- 7400, neutro(%)-43, lympho(%)-47, eosino(%)-07, mono(%)-03 ,esr-18....the above test was done today as per advice of doctor ..the doctor adviced to do this tests when my child went to him with some (minimum)indigestion problems and his weight is 15 kg , age kid fully energitic, has sufficient strength..what should I do , as his SGOT and alk. phosphatase bothare high?