Hello and welcome to healthcaremagic
Aczit is an oral retinoid,
Isotretinoin. For severe acne OR for acne unresponsive to traditional anti-acne medications, Isotretinoin can be started. It the only drug which offers any chance of long term cure and after a full course of isotretinoin significant number of people never have a recurrence of there acne. It should be taken under the supervision of a
dermatologist because of certain lab tests which are to be done before and during treatment with isotretinoin.
Acne is commonly associated with dandruff therefore for good acne control you should also use an antidandruff shampoo, which your dermatologist has aptly prescribed.
Chitomesh-SF cream contains
fusidic acid which is not an approved antiacne medication. It is commonly use for bacterial infections like folliculitis/
If I was the treating doctor I would have asked you to use topical 1% clindamycin or 2.5%
benzoyl peroxide gel instead of chitomesh-sf, for acne control.
Use a mild cleanser for face wash was e.g cetaphil cleansing lotion.