Hi i am I work part time in a local primary school as food technolgy coordinator. . Over the past 10 years I have found it sometimes difficult to communicate face to face as i seem to produce masses of saliva and it dribbles out of the side of my mouth and i continually wipe and lick my lips resulting in sore and uncomfortable lips. its so very embarrassing and making my life difficult. It occurs in any situation, shops, friends, public transport etc etc - in fact continuously. My husband tells me its also difficult for those looking at me. I love my job but sometimes feel I just want to stay at home and never speak face to face. My gp suggested i used vaseline or tried botox!!!! Even though it happened in the surgery. I am v fit for my age ( 62) and take regular exercise swimming, gym and walk almost everywhere. I am 7.10 stone 5 4 . I am a lawyer and still help out at my old firm. The same problem arises there and increasingly avoid face to face with clients... I have read a reply below and visit the dentist regularly and dont appear to have other symptons, but would appreciate your opinion/ prognosis . Thank you. Please help Yr