I got a headache yesterday at around 9 a clock. I took some pills and went to sleep. I couldn't sleep but I finally slept for about 3 hours. At around 4 am, I woke up and I was couldn't sleep. I was thinking of numbers and division problems and had to figure them out but I couldn't and my head hurted so bad. I finally managed to fall asleep for 3 hours again. At 6, I woke up and at around 7-8, I fell asleep. I woke up at 12, went to get a banana and then at around 1, I fell asleep and wooed up at 4. I've been in bed all day and fell asleep a few times but my headache hurts to bad...I can't sleep...
I'm 15 years old and don't know what's wrong and I'm also shaking and feel really weak.