i have been suffering with severe knee pain for the past 10 months and have recently spent 2 weeks in hospital without receiving a diagnosis. Around 3 weeks ago my knee collapsed in work which made it lock into position. Since then i have been admitted as an impatient at a local hospital. I have severe knee pain, i cant bend my knee my leg from the knee to ankle is very sore and sensitive and from my ankle down i cannot feel my foot or feel anything when my foot is being touched. Since i have been in hospital i have started with back pains which made me imobile for two days. Over the past ten months i have had 3 xrays on my knee, 1 xray on my ankle and hip, 2 knee mri scans, 1 back mri scan, 1 local diagnostic injection, 3 ostinel fluid injections . I have have knee shakes from certain tablets such as gabbapentin, i am also on morphine , paracetamol , senna and laxcido