Hi yeah I never posted anything on here so i was not sure how much i could put in my description. My Legs feel like when I stand on them that there is glass or my muscles are tearing, at first I was describing it as my bones feel like they are razors when i stand up. I have just started per-suing answers about what is wrong because I'm only twenty three and it just does not feel like I should be in this much pain. I have had this pain for like more then two years,but it has just started feeling really unbearable. I just had some blood work done and it ruled out Lyme's disease and a lot of other of the generic tests. I have been to the emergency room 4 times already because it has gotten a lot worse. I was referred to a
rheumatologist and have an appointment for the end of the month and my doctor said they can't do anything until I see a specialist. I waited so long because I don't really like medicine, and thought I could fix it myself, witch I know now is not the case. My arms are always feeling restless so I try to use them and they hurt, like sharp pains in my muscles. I worked construction for a good part of my life, currently right now i am not working. I have only ever fractured the growth plate in my ankle, and have
asthma.I don't have any history of trauma, and the emergency room wrote me a prescription for
tramadol which seemed to work and also percocet 5mg seemed to work. They also prescribed
roxicodone one time but that kind of made me feel funny so I stopped taking it. It seems that I don't feel pain if I take a hot bath, or put a warm compress on it, but its only for like a half hour. I have been trying to exercise as much as i can without it hurting, I have been taking calcium
vitamins,and drinking more water. I just want to be able to sleep, and be back to normal.
Thank You