i was not as informative as i should of been in my last question one of the answers said. start by again saying i am 32 years old,female,suffering for over 7 years now of middle, but intensly more lower back pain just above my buttocks , to the point were i cant walk my dog for 3 mins, before it is so painfuld i can not make it home without stoping,i also have severe pain laying on either side of my body, i feel pain on my side of my buttocks that goes down to me knees. i have had bad posture that started at an early age when i developed breasts at an early age, and they are a bigger size, D, i have no trauma to my body to cause this to of happend, it just has gotten worse and worse over the years, and it has kept me from working for the last 6 years. I get very little to no relief from heat pads, or ice pads, or advile, or alieve, and i am allergic to tylenol and perkcodan has helped me not at all, I also get severe headaches, and the only relief i have ever gotten were i have felt i could actually walk and move without this pain is when a friend gave me an oxycotin and a dilauded both of which i researched before taking. That was the one good day i have had in years, i belive it was called relief, a life worth living. Unfortunatly while doing my research i see there is a lot of people who misuse these drugs and fear i would not stand a chance of being perscribed them. which is a total let down for me cause that was something really worked for me and i felt happy for once, as u can amagine a life filled with pain is no life at all, and causes a great deal of depression . so i am in your hands as my aniety and fear of doctor and pain and the ability to get to own, leads me hear asking you, thank u so much for your time.