Lets answer your questions one by one:
1. Should I be concerned about this pain which is not getting any better but worse:
Any pain is a negative symptom and uncomfortable. Coming to pain in left breast, I would suggest your
ultrasound doctor checks the size and and interval growth in the breasts cysts while you correlate the grade of pain (Is the pain increasing with size?)
2. The pain in the back of my shoulder blade feels like a burning sensation the pain is so bad it almost brings me to tears and is getting to the point that it is becoming almost unbarable. I am currently taking
Tramadol 10mg and it is not working at alleviating the pain. I am also on Flexil and
Hydrocodone for pain in my neck but they do not alleviate the pain in my breast and shoulder blade. I have also been diagnosed with a pinched
nerve and moderate bluging disc on the left side of my neck, could these diagnoses be causing the pain in my left breast and left shoulder blade:
neck pain can cause pain in the back of your shoulder blade though we cant confirm that to be the cause of pain in your breast. The medications you take are correct and you may further visit your doctor to make ma\inor modifications on dose schedule as per your pain.
3. Lumps were noticed also in my right breast, I am not having any pain in that breast just
severe pain in my left breast:
The lump in your right breast might be small enough not to cause pain. Still please keep record of the sizes.
4. I also do a lot of typing on my job, could this also be causing irritation to my left breast:
Not the breast but this could cause painin your neck and back because of cervical nerve supply.
Hope this helps,
Dr Anjana Rao