Hi my mum has been having sever pain near her urethral opening this has been going on for over a month, she has visited her doctor and has some antibiotic, pain killers but nothing has helped they also found blood in her urine, yesterday the pain was so bad that she had to go to a&e where the doctor found an ulcer near the opening of urethral, the have said the will do further testing including for cancer, my mum is 68 years old and has been on her own for the last 10 years, so I know it's not std, we have to wait to have an appointment for further test but I'm worried and what to know more about cancer in the urethral and the common systoms, my mum gas had blood test done and her kidneys are fine and she is not diabetic other, can you give me info on the systom on cancer near the urethra please thank you