Hi Dr. I can no longer wait to see my OB by Tuesday. Will you please help me to interpret the result of my TVS. I'm suffering from severe pain everytime I urinate & there's a blood on it. I thought it was an ordinary UTI. Here's the results: Normal sized anteverted uterus w/ prominent and dilated parametrial vessels. 4.55 x 4.31 x 4.67 cm. Hyperechoic endometrium, thin, 084 cm. Secretory phase endometrium. Cervix, 2.30 x 2.58 x 2.15 cm w/ (-) Nabothian cyst seen. Right ovary 4.38 x 2.97 x 4.02 cm lateral to the uterus. Within is a cystic structure, thickwalled, unilocular w/ crenated borders & reticular echoes measuring 3.01 x 2.45 cm suggestive of corpus luteum cyst versus endometrial cyst. Left ovary, 2.29 x 120 x 1.83 cm, lateral to the uterus, w/ few follicles. Others, minimal free fluid in the posterior cul-de-sac. Pelvic congestion.
I have here the result of my urinalysis. >100 puss cells. Protein & albumin is present.
Will you please help me. Thank you so much & more power to you. God bless...