Thanks for writing to H.C.M.for your query.
I have gone through your clinical history and as you said initially you developed
sore throat which progressed to heavy
chest infection and result in chest congestion.
Considering your symptoms in all aspect it appears that you have developed
respiratory tract infection involving both upper and lower respiratory tract. this shows that pathogenicity of the organism is quite high.
For quick relief you should take wide spectrum antibiotic, anti inflammatory,
mucolytic and expectorant
cough syrup. But as for as radical treatment is concern you should do these investigations-
(a) X-Ray chest P.A.view.
(b) Culture and sensitivity of phlegm.
(c) Blood - CBC, ESR, blood sugar - F. & P.P.
(d) Urine _ Routine & Microscopic.
Next step is thorough examination of respiratory system and co-relation with investgation reports is necessary to make final diagnosis that has to be manage accordingly.