I had to take my son to the emergency room at 4am Friday morning with severe stomach pain. He was curled in a ball screaming. The pain stopped shortly after getting there but came right back about 30 minutes later. They had to give him 2 shots of pain medicine to calm him because he was rolling around screaming. I know at least one of those was morphine, because of the paper I signed. I'm not sure if both were, though I didn't see a second name on the paper. They admitted him into the hospital later that morning after a CT scan. It came back his appendix was enlarged, he had fluid in his pelvis area, his blood count was double what it should and he had a fever. They told us he would have his appendix taken out. By the time the surgeon got around to talking to us finally he told us he wasn't going to do surgery. His blood count had lowered to normal and the fever was gone, but there was still the issue of the enlarged appendix and fluid, which he said was okay. He has had off and on again stomach pains for a year or two, but nothing as severe as Friday morning. And it was never all the time. Since Friday he has hurt several times a day, not as severe as it was the morning we went to the hospital, but enough he wants to stop what he's doing and lay down. It seems to get worse with physical activity. He was hurting earlier and it has since stopped. Should I take him back to the emergency room tonight? Or wait? He is suppose to be getting an appointment to see a specialist, but they said it could take 2-3 weeks to get one. He is 8 years old, currently pain free at the moment, but he isn't moving around either, just laying around. No fever or vomiting.