I have been ill for approx 5 years and have been unable to work for the past 3 years. I start with severe tummy pain followed by the worst sweating, I have long hair and it ends up soaked, I need to change my pajama's over and over, I vomit mainly foam and liquid. Searching for answers, my doctor found tumors on my ovaries and I had a full hysterectomy. The said I was borderline cancer, but now have the all clear from that. I have had every test icluding bloods, urine, emptying, nuclear medicine and swallowed a camera. Everything is clear, however my illness is getting worse. The last 2 times I ended up in hospital with all the same tests. Still nothing. They gave me morphine on both times which immediately stopped the pain. The following morning they say I am fine, nothing they can find. I am so fed up I have thought of taking my life.