Hi and thanks for the query.
From your description it looks like you have developed acute infection of the middle ear.
It is a very common condition.
You should see an
ENT specialist. Treatment should be started immediately or you risk permanent damage to the ear drum.
You will need an appropriate antibiotic, an anti inflammatory, ear drops and nasal decongestant.
In the meantime please follow some measures
1)Do not try to clean your ears with q tip, buds or anything else.
2) Keep your ears dry. Do not let water to get into your ears. when you shower plug your ear with a large ball of cotton smeared with vaseline.
3) drink lots of fluids. 4 litres per day.
4) Avoid air conditioning.
Cold air will irritate your ET tube and aggravate the situation even further.
5) Steam inhalation 5 times per day.
Regards, Dr Rajkishori.