Before having my son I suffered from bad migraines, acid reflux and was lactose intolerant Hi, I m 29. I had my son 2 and half years ago. Before having my son I suffered from bad migraines, acid reflux and was lactose intolerant. When I was expecting all my medical problems went away I could drink oj milk and had mayb 2 migraines the whole pregnancy. My husband and I had an accident about 4 months ago. About a month ago my stomach started feeling like there was something moving around but not like when I was pregnant more of a shaking/vibrating feeling. To be sure I took 3 pregnancy test all came out negative. So I went to ob and he did a preg. Test and it too was neg. I was on my period at the time, also was having lower back pain and he thought it was just me menstrating pain. Then 3 days later period was over and I was still having pain and shaking stomach so I went to the er and they did a preg test again was neg. And a cat scan . Cat scan saw a small right ovarian cyst but everything else was fine. Then 14 days after my period I got my period again for 5 days. My stomach never got any bettter and was really hurting and was bleeding heavy so I went back to the obgyn and he said he thinks I may be getting acid reflux and lactose issue back and put me on protonix and told me to stay away from the milk products.I also started feeling shaking in my legs (thighs).I have been taking medicine for 7 days and still no relieve. Any ideas on what is going on and how to get feeling like myself again please help!