I have been having these sensations in my chest, more at the top of the breast area. Seems like behind the breastbone. I say "sensation" because it is not painful to bare, but sort of a dull, pointy jolt felt from inside once in awhile. This has been happening for the last few weeks. Sometimes I feel it in my right breast and other times slightly above the center of my chest. I do not have shortness of breath or tightness/squeezing or heaviness (that I know of - not sure how that would feel exactly). However, I was diagnosed with a leaky heart valve. Also I had these sort of tension headaches for a few days. They were coming and going for like three or four days straight. Haven't had one in the last couple of days, though. What does this seem like it could be based on the symptoms? What should I look out for to determin if it is heart related?