My BP is 117/60, pulse 68. I go to Duke for ALL my medical problems. I am on multiple meds - isoorbide, metoprolol, tikosyn, lasix, janumet, magnesium oxide, tetracycline, warfarin, simvastatin, klor-con, aspirin!! I know you are most likely saying WOW but I had a cardiac ablation on 12/01/10 and a cardiac cath in January which showed 100% blockage in one artery that wasn't a concern and 80% in another that they did not want to put a stent in because of the "Y" location. I am also very hard of hearing. Now my most recent problem is PANIC ATTACKS! At this time I am so very depressed over all these problems and now the attacks are almost too much. They put me on xanan 0.25 mg. Do you think I should wait for an attack or take it every 8 hours to ward off one? I am 61 and weight 270 down from 320.