If heart is working less than 10 % , doctors try to transplant .
But I don't know this , following measure will work or not in your father case but I have tried many patients with success.
Although this is not a scientific study but you can use for your father at your own risk .
However , I can say only one thing that there is NO SIDE EFFECT or untoward effect of this formula .
Take 300 ml of pompion juice , freshly extracted with the help of juicer ( pompion is also kn own as GHIYA OR KADDHU in India , also some say loki ) , add 10 basil leaves ( tulsi ) , add 10 black pepper ( in powder form ) , drink this at once on empty stomach for 3-6 months . The results , you will notice on day 5 .
In the beginning patient feel some gurgling sound in the abdomen but within 4-5 days this juice will adjust and your father will feel a fresh life .
Take complete
bed rest for 10 days ( first 10 days after commencement of therapy).
Avoid spicy , greasy , fried food .
Hope this will be useful for your father.
Good luck.