As per your statement your mother is C/O
Nausea in the morning
2) Loss of weight
3) Fatique
4) Dark colored motion
All investigations done - Hgb and C-reactive
proteins are normal - So we can't expect any major inflammatory disease.
USG abdomen done 2 years back was normal
She is waiting for gastroscopy and
colonoscopy and repeat USG abdomen and possibly a CT abdomen.
First you must arrive at a probable diagnosis and then investigation should be as per the probability.
You have not mentioned whether she is having DM/HT/IHD.
Even a UTI can produce all the symptoms you have mentioned
Probable Diagnosis.
Do a urine analysis - Macro, Micro and culture and sensitivity
Do a motion examination - Macro, Micro,
RBC and culture and sensitivity.
If RBC is present - it may be GI Bleed
From the above you can come to a conclusion - what investigation is needed further.
Accordingly you do the investigation and treat her - instead of subjecting her to the cumbersome unwanted investigation.
She will get alright - because I don't expect any major problem.
Best wishes