Since 2007, when I slammed backwards into a tree while snow sledding (without emergency or physician care afterwards), I have had pain & difficulty swallowing (NOT inside my throat, but like a rock is stuck inside between my skin & airway, but w/o visible deformity), headaches in the back of my head that are worse when I cough, intermittent blurry vision, severe watering of the eyes, chronic spinal pain, tinnitus, severe fatigue, episodes of dizziness, & loss of appetite. In my early 40's now, but I had mono as a teen. An ENT & endocrinologist have no explanation for these symptoms. I am becoming quite desperate with frustration & pain being daily occurrences. I see the ENT again next week, but feel like cancelling & giving up. My daughter (22yoa) was recently diagnosed with Chiari Type I, acquired. Could I also have Chiari? Do I need to worry about throat cancer? My PCP seems uninterested due to my not being insured & I've been told that Chiari shouldn't be left untreated. Please help!?