Hello, I am 23, male, skinny, and I have had - and still have - bilateral femoral hernias; I have had both hernias since the age of 15. I have had 2 surgeries: The first one being a complete failure, that apodictically did more damage than repair. Nerves were severed, and it was incorrectly diagnosed as inguinal . Also, the mesh void of any real function besides inducing pain, became imbedded and irremovable. The second surgery went better, but in all still failed. I m now left with a constant pain that heightens with pressure or activity, and the bulge of the hernia itself. I m from Canada and the medical system is erroneous and extremely regressive; I have trouble getting in contact with any kind of physician that can resolve my situation. It has come down to me watching the progression of the hernia and its pain, as my activity dwindles to sitting 12 hours a day.