Thanks for writing in to us.
You might be having an ingrown hair
Folliculitis is the inflammation of a hair follicle caused by bacterial or viral infection, chemical irritation, or physical injury
Lesions usually consist of asymptomatic erythematous perifollicular papules or pustules, but pustules may be painful or itchy and surrounded by erythema with a central hair present
Folliculitis usually responds to antiseptic washes, warm compresses, and
ointments like topical antibiotics
Precautions for preventing it from happening include
Good personal hygiene is the best preventive measure, especially in hot, humid conditions and in situations that might lead to transmission from others (eg, showers and locker rooms in gyms)
Avoid sharing of personal items (towels, razors)
Avoid exposure to other likely sources of contamination, or ensure that they have been properly cleaned (eg, wrestling mats and other equipment used in contact sports, hot tubs)
Hope this helps