I have a few health questions but first I'll tell you a little about my background and history. I'm a 20 year old female. Just turned 20 in March. I don't have health insurance so I don't have a doctor so I thought I'd ask a doctor some questions on here. Anyways, when I was 16 years old I started some unhealthy habits that led to Bulimia. I would binge, purge, abuse laxatives(10-12 a day at my worst) or even go without eating at times. There were periods of time when the Bulimic symptoms were more severe and other times pretty mild. Currently, my diet is pretty healthy now but I still take laxatives(4-6 a day). On occasion I still binge and purge, 1-2 times a week. So, the bulimia has gotten some what better compared to what is was. At one of the doctors appointments they did some tests and I was diagnosed with anemia and IBS.
Also I've smoked cigarettes since the age of 17. The first year and some months I only smoked a few packs a week but then I turned into a pack-a-day smoker. Currently, I'm trying to quit. I've smoked for 3 years but I really want to quit while I'm young.
I'm trying my hardest to give up smoking and recover from bulimia because I truly want to be healthy. I have hopes of joining the military in the next few years and I'm worried with my history of smoking and bulimia, I may have done irreversable damage to my health.
My questions are:
If I quit smoking and recover fully from my bulimia will my health return to what it once was so I can join the military?
How much damage have I already done to my body?
If I quit laxatives how long will it take for my bowels to go back to normal? And what should I except when I do quit?
Will my lung function return to normal when i quit smoking?
Is there any hope for me?