Hi Erinioo,
Thank you for your query. Your symptoms sound very frustrating. It sounds like you have developed
chronic sinusitis, or chronic
allergic rhinitis. This is is a
constant inflammation of your nasal passages. The initial
sneezing may have been signs of
hypersensitivity of the nasal passages but things appear to have progressed so that the lining of your nasal passages are permanently inflamed interferring with drainage of mucus and making it difficult to breathe. People that suffer with this condition often complain of feeling clogged up with fullness around the face and throbbing
headaches, especially if they look down at their feet.
Other likely causes are that you have developed nasal polyps. These are small nodules that develop in the nasal passages and again disrupt the normal drainage of mucus and passage of air. Or you may have a prolonged
allergic response from being constantly exposed to the trigger of your allergy.
I would suggest your next step is to see an Ear Nose and Throat specialist (ENT) to have them examine your nasal passages. If it difficult to pinpoint what is going on by direct vision, he mat suggest a CT or MRI scan. The treatment can be very different depending on which of the three is causing your problems.
In the meantime you can try washing out you nasal passages daily with saline solution. Mix 1/2 a teaspoon of salt and a pinch of baking soda in 1 cup of warm previously boiled water. There are already made nasal lavage solutions in pharmacies. Put this solution in a nasal bulb or squeezable bottle with a a funnel end. Leaning over the sink, tilting downwards, place the tip of the bulb in your nostril and squeeze a generous amount of the solution into the nostril with moderate force. You will see the fluid draining from the other nostril. Repeat on the other side. Do this 2-3 times a day to prevent the build up of mucus.