Hi, doctor. I ve been freaking out for the past two months thinking I have HIV. I had unprotected sex with my now ex, and I swear I have HIV based on my symptoms. I had a sore throat a week later, followed by bad stomach pains that ended up being h.pylori. I also had an earache, headache and I also developed a rash on my breast . The earache was due to mucus in my throat. I have also been having electrical shocks all over my body( face,arms,hands,stomach,back,calves)etc. Ijust found out im pregnant and anemic. Idk what to do I m going crazy, looking online waiting for these three months to come. But I took an HIV test at about 5 weeks after exposure and it was negative. I don t know, I think it might be stress and anxiety but I m not sure. I ve been freaking out, everything little thing has been making me think I have it. I can t concentrate, my life is upside down with stress and worries.