I ended my period 10 days ago and then 2 days later I spotted for only a couple hours and then it stopped. now today I started spotting again for a little bit. My period was normal and has been normal. I haven't had this problem ever. I have had other problems but never with my period not being on time or irregular. I have had my left tube cut and tied in feb and the other one was cleaned out! The ob said I would have about 6 months to get pregnant then the tube would close. I didn't get pregnant and lost my insurance. I know that I don't have stds, no cancer, no vaginal issues, I just lost insurance 2 1/2 month ago! I have been under ob care for years! My last pap was 3 months ago and was normal. ONly one pap was ever bad and i had a bacteria infection. I was getting really sick on my periods and after my surgery in feb it stopped. Now yesterday and today I am throwing up but feel fine. My stomach hurts but not like it used to hurt before surgery, just almost like a crapping feeling. I highly doubt that I could be pregnant because the opening the ob surgeon was able to make was so little and it's probably closed back up! Should I be really worried about the bleeding