About 2 weeks ago I took a hard fall of about 4 feet hitting the inside of my right thigh really hard. Within seconds I had a lot of swelling - about 6 inches long, 5" wide and over an inch high. I went to the ER to make sure the internal bleeding wasn't dangerous. They took blood to check my platlettes (I had a heart attack last year and am on Plavix, aspirin, lisinopril, metroprolol and simvastatin) and said they were ok and I'd be fine and that the swelling would go down in a couple weeks and to ice it then sent me home. Tylenol was recommended for pain.
Now, it doesn't hurt as much but the swelling is about 1.5" - 2" on a bad day with an area about 1" in diameter at the highest point. It looks like a really bad mosquito bite. Occasionally I get a quick stabbing pain around that high spot that feels like a bad pimple popping and have had what looks like lividity on the part of my thigh that's lowest (usually the back on the inside...the way I sleep). This "lividity" covers the entire inside back of my thigh had has even continued around and below my knee. This clears up quickly, usually, but comes back every time I feel that stabbing. The whole swollen area now is about 2" high and 6" x 4" wide and is very hard, with a slightly squishy in the 1" high area.
I just need to know if I should keep icing it and wait, or go back to the ER. (I don't have a regular Dr. .....or insurance...at this time)