Dear George
first of all be patient and your condition will improve, dont worry about sitting in front of the computer if you do exercise regularly. my suggestions are,
1. Eat healthy, mainly bland food avoid
smoking, alcohol if possible, reduce your daily fat intake to 10% of total calorie consumption.
2. take tablet
pantoprazole 40 mg in the morning in empty stomach daily.
3. check your blood sugar mainly HBA1c for
diabetes, if it is > 6.5 you will need endocrine consultation.
4. do one USG upper abdomen to rule out any
gall bladder pathology.
5. if pantoprazole did not give you good result start
itopride 50mg thrice daily with pantoprazole.
6. avoid stress, if possible take one Alprazolam 0.25 mg at bed time.
stay blessed.