this started on thursday after i had eaten dinner, i started getting waves of cramps in my stomach , quite mild at first. Then they got stronger and stronger until i felt sick and started to vomit , the pain i could feel in my back too. I had been to the toilet that day which puzzled me because i have IBS and have done for ages. I took Andrews and passed a lot of wind however this did not help it still got worse. I called the NHS 24 they told me to go see them and sent a taxi for me. The doctor asked me a few questions and felt my stomach which was unbearable to be honest and said she thought my bowel was in spasm? I went home with anti-sickness tablets and mebeverine hydrochloride and it eased a wee bit but not a lot, I still am really sore and whenever i pass wind down bellow the cramp comes straight back and also walking is a real mission! I could be pregnant but im not entirely sure because we have been trying for over 2 last period was very unusual however, very light and spotty and very dark, almost black?!