I stopped menstruating in April 2010. I started light bleeding in Jan/Feb 2013, it lasted for about a week. I went to my GYN. He did a pelvic exam, including a biopsy, which came back negative for cancer, also a transvaginal ultrasound. Everything came back negative. The bleeding stopped. In May 2013 I requested HRT for menopausal symptoms. The Dr. did a blood panel for hormone levels & I am now finishing 15 weeks of HRT patch applied 1X/wk. My question has to do with more bleeding just like back in early 2013, but it has been going on for at least 4 wks. It is every day, same appearance, and amount, which is not heavy but IS significant for no menstruating since 4/2010. The question is: what could the cause of this be? In other words is this common or could it be a symptom of a serious illness?