hello, I'm 23 years old and I have strange pain and numbness in the left hand and strange sharp pain in my chest a little to the left (happends randomly) .. also in the last 7-8 days i have a slight numbness of the jaw but in a strange way, as if I chewed gum for a long time .. i was at hospital, and I did ECG and review .. I have a huge phobia of needles and heart disease. My doctor said I have an anxiety disorder. bud im a little suspicious.. I weigh 97 kg and im 192cm tall , I walk every day for ~9km, but im a smoker. Doctor also told me that stress can be the cause of this symptoms. I also read on the internet that these symptoms may be associated with muscularskeletal system. I'd be grateful for the advice and the potential explaination of my situation, because I'm terribly worried. These symptoms last for 3-4 years except the numbnes of the jaw, but i didnt thought it was something big then.. Thank you in advance and I apologize for the bad English.