Hi. I was ironing my clothes this morning and i felt a trickle come down my nose . Turned out to be blood . Flowed like water from a tap for a bit, so I lay down on the bed, legs elevated, head kept low, ice cubes on the nose, etc. I felt the blood going back and flowing down. It stopped in about 15-20 mins. I then checked my BP with my doctor (within about 1 hour) and it was absolutely normal. I ve also given blood immediately for a CBC and am waiting for the test report (I did think that my blood looked rather think, and the technician also kinda agreed with me and said something about it not looking normal, but then I could be imagining things given the recent episode!). I have not felt abnormal at all and no signs or symptoms of anything in particular. The only thing that has been different in my life these days is that I have started using Herbalife for the past 3 weeks (a shake + protein powder twice a day that replaces my breakfast and dinner, herbal tea twice a day and a tablet called Cellu-loss thrice a day with meals that is supposed to tackle water retention. What could be the cause? This has never happened to me before. I m 42 years old (female). Any information will help. I do plan going to the ENT today as well. And will not consume Herbalife for now. Many thanks.