Hi, Thursday 31/1 I was getting explanation on the computer at work when I got a sudden pressure in my forehead , I felt dizzy, had trouble concentrating, trouble finding words and double/blurry vision . This lasted all day, I couldn t stand light. The pressure stayed on the right side of my head and face (eye, forehead), trouble finding words and trouble concentrating, doing my normal job became a real problem. Tuesday I went to the GP who diagnosed sinusitis and tension headache , she prescibed a nose spray and neurofen . This treatment didn t help at all. Last thursday I went to the ER because the pressure got even worse, I had slurred speech, real trouble thinking of words, I was unable to think and had to stop working. I also had tingling feeling in my face (under eye and next to nose). They took a CT and did bloodexam which turned out normal, I responded well to the migraine medication so they sent me home. However I was still unable to concentrate and do certain things such as programming which before was no problem. The situation now is: sometimes pain/pressure in the right side of my head and forehead. a constant ticklish/light pressure feeling in de middle of my forehead, which gets more intense when I try to think. I still have trouble finding words, and am sometimes amazed that I can make a full sentence. I feel like I m running into a wall when I try to think. I am still unable to do my work. I sometimes have earache and some fluid comes out, just a little. I also sometimes feel as if I have a fever, but I don t, I get a general malaise feeling. I was diagnosed with TMJ a year ago but never looked into it. I hope you can just give me somekind of direction as where to look for answers. Thank you.