Hi, thanks for your query. Well done for trying to lose weight. I understand that it is hard to do when you are unwell. Don't be discouraged by the periods during which your allergies and
asthma flare up. Since you seem to have noticed a seasonal pattern to you asthma and
allergy episodes I suggest preparing for them by:
1. Taking a long acting antihistamine (eg citirizine) two weeks before and during the three months that things flare up.
2. Escalating your asthma treatment during these periods so you are on more preventers. Ask your doctors to review your medication. You may benefit from an increased dose of inhaled
steroids, a long acting beta agonist inhaler or something like daily
These two changes should be able to keep you breathing comfortably and active. To get the most from the exercise you are doing, review your diet so it is healthy and also not aggravating your allergies and consider taking up a wind instrument to increase you lung capacity.
If you have been on asthma steroid treatment for long you should ask you doctor to check for adrenal suppression. This is a side effect of prolonged steroid use which could be contributing to you weight problem.