white discharge from vagina is usually by infection caused by bacteria , fungus [ usually yeast] and protozoans [ trichomonas] and in most of cases it is of mixed origin
following measures should be taken to get rid of it permanently
avoid polygamy , use condoms during sexual intercourse.
; eat well, get enough sleep, drink enough fluids.
Keep vaginal area clean and dry.
Wear cotton underwear.
Wipe from front to back after urination or bowel movement.
Avoid using deodorant pads or tampons.
Don't use petroleum jelly or other oils for lubricants.
Don't douche the vaginal area
Don't scratch infected or inflamed areas; it can cause further irritation.
If using medication inside the vagina, use it during the menstrual period.
During an infection, use pads rather than tampons if
menstruation occurs.
Avoid vulvo/vaginal irritants, including perfumed or deodorant soaps/body washes.
a number of herbal combination like
pushyanug churna [ pulvelizied powder] is very effective if taken in dose of one fourth tsf twice daily for one month