I play ice hockey. I am 15 years old and I was out there with a friend, we were both going full speed and almost smashed into each other. We both dodged to the best of our extent by throwing ourselves to either side. As we went past each other, my right knee slammed into his left knee and I felt pain right away. It was hard to skate off the ice after sitting myself up. I went to the locker room to check it out and everything looked fine. I went back out to play, i m very good at dealing with pain, for an example about a year ago i sustained a pneumomediastinum from a hockey hit and was playing a little bit with terrible chest pain until i was told i wasn t allowed to anymore. I also have played with broken hands and messed up elbows and stuff so unfortunately I have a really high pain tolerance which has made very major things feel very minor. So as I was saying, now a week later my friend asked if i wanted to go skating for a few, I said yes and we went. While i was out there i had minimal knee pain in the same spot but not very bad. As i was making a sharp turn towards the right, my right knee got an enormous shock of pain and seemed to give out and i landed on it on the ice. I right away threw myself back up with my hand and all the sudden had a terrible time skating. My knee has had this weird type of pain, the best way to describe it is its feels kinda tight and has like this weird burning, rubbing sensation on the front part of my knee right below the kneecap. It almost feels as if someone is jabbing a spatula under the back of my knee and twisting it upwards forcing the front down, it s kinda hard to explain. It hurts to walk and to move it around and I was hoping someone could help me figure out if it is something possibly serious and i should get checked out or if i will be fine. The big thing is it has been hurting with that weird burning feeling since a week ago with that collision. Thank you for your help