hi i had gone through your query and understand your concerns. i would come up with four most possibilities to fit your case.these include
1.first possibility is,benign paroxysmal
vertigo of childhood;a fairly harmless and common childhood disorder characterized by attacks of
dizziness that last a few seconds to a few minutes. The patient may have nausea and
vomiting and appear pale, with a constant involuntary movement of the eyeballs. This disorder usually disappears after six months to a year.
2.second possibility is,medications;
aspirin, antihistamines are produce similar conditions.
3.third possibility is,psychological disorder ; the complaints associate with other psychological problems.
4.fourth possibility is,brain tumor;confirm with CT SCANNING for the brain.
treatment plan;
i advise you taking
Homeopathic medicines gives safe and permanent cure for your complaints .
consult your local homeopathic physician for correct diagnosis of the case and remedy to fit your complaints.
I hope this is helpful for you, thank you