Hi i am Dr.kadhir ,
First it is important to confirm that she has
Tuberculosis . Tuberculosis is an infection that usually affects the lungs but some times they can also present as
fever of unknown origin and affect other organs also.
The main stream investigations are skin test, chest
x ray, blood tests ( IGRA'S), sputum for microscopic test to look for the organism in it and also for culture test ( that to see whether the organism is growing from the sputum).
The skin test, blood test and the chest x ray are not specific, though they can help in diagnosis, when other infections are ruled out. Sputum microscopy and culture can confirm the diagnosis but they can be falsely negative.
Therefore TB can only be diagnosed on high index of suspicion with the help of skin test, blood tests and x rays or else can be confirmed by sputum microscopy.
when the diagnosis is still doubtful, there is practice of starting the TB medications. If the patient is not responding to the drugs or developing new symptoms while on drugs , then she might not have TB or the TB might be resistant to the drugs.
There are quite lot of side effects for TB drugs ( eg: growth in kids,
liver disease, eye problems, neuropathy etc) and they are not uncommon.
It is important to have regular (monthly) follow up with your doctor for eye check up, blood tests like liver function tests when she is on treatment . But they can managed appropriately with regular follow up.
Not only milk but most of the fruits and vegetables help in improving her nutrition and immunity. nutritious diet is most important to make the treatment effective. But cure can be achieved only when she has good compliance to the drugs.
Thank you for the consultation in health care magic.