Hello, I am 28 years old female experiencing severe hair loss for the past 11 years.I had really strong,black and long hair from my childhood,they seemed to grow really fast.Then in my teens I srarted loosing hair,i used some medications and sprays recommended by a skin specialist but of no avail.Since then I got my hair cut very short to avoid long thin hair falling every where.It never stopped and now nobody believes that i am going almost bald.The leftover is very thin and fragile and I shed more than 150 hair a day.i am a patient of hyperthyroid and take medications when advised. The same thing happened to my mother in her youth.She was getting almost bald when she was in her twenties.My sisters have the same problem.They had beautiful hair a few years ago but now their hair is thining too.I am really scared for my younger sisters.One of them has hypothyroidism ,one has hyperthyroidism and one has u-thyroid.No one else from my paternal or maternal sides have hair loss problem. Thyroid disease runs in paternal side of my family.I want to know what is causing this hair loss and if u can advise any sort of treatment. Thanks