Hi am AAAAAfrom hyderabad india,my fatheris suffering from breathing problem for more then 2 years recently he underwent complete body check up everything was normal except that mucosal thickening in both ethmoidales air cells,both maxiallary sinuses and splendid sinus Fontal sinuses r clear Dehiscence of uppermedial walls of bothmaxillary sinuses noted Rest of upper medial walls of paranasal sinuses are intact and do not show evidance of erusion Bilateral infundibular cclusion. Prominent middle nosal purpinates withmild paradoxide configuration of left middle nosel turbinat. Mild deviacion of nasol setum to left. Please let me know if this is effecting is breating, he is suffering a lot. I would like to give his healt history in detail has been suffering with dry eyes for the past 3years he has been to all known eye specialists,neurologistsin the city no body could give a solution but just use artificial tears ie.drops for his eyes but that did not help him much it worse year after year,one his lids gets closes he has to open it by himself. while this problem is on he is now facing breathing problem tooo while taking breath he feels obstruction he is suffering a lot with the eyes n nose, wjile last year while going through complete bod y checkup, docs foundoctors found blocks and performed bypass,docs said this may cure his problem but no change in his condition. My father all the tests to get a sol for his eyes n breathing prob but could not get any,docs say every thing is normal,just got sensitive...my my question is with out any problem why is he suffering so much please help me out i will be very thank ful for you answer n he is diabetic too