Hello yash,
I am happy you are taking responsibilitiy for the elders at home.
Diabetics urine contain extra sugar and so bacteria survive well. Particularly tip of the penis is prone for infection. I hope the doctors have seen his penis and ruled out infections there. If there are recurrent episodes of urinary infections we have try other options including detailed analysis. In my humble opinion an
ultrasound to asses his kidneys and bladder is worthwhile.
As regards to pathology report of typhoid we need more information
If it was
blood culture and the report is typhoid then it is typhoid and we have to proceed in that line.
If they have done a test called
widal see for further details
If it was done by tube method or slide method. The former they take more than 24 hours to give the results. this is more reliable. Slide method the result is given on the same day. In either case the titre should be more than 160 of
Salmonella Typhi O.
Let us assume that it was indeed typhoid, we need not worry.
This is usually transmitted through unboiled water, dirt in the food or hands. If we can take care of it there should not be any problem
Ask him to take rest and take food with out spices
Children less than 18 at home should take
typhoid vaccine if they had not taken earlier
with best wishes