Hi,Thanks for your query, A Kapha pacifying diet can be extremely effective for reducing water retention and pressure on the joints. A Kapha diet means eliminating most dairy products, certain oils, fried and frozen foods, sweets (honey is ok) and wheat. On a Kapha diet, the emphasis is on drying, warming, pungent and bitter foods such as barley, buckwheat, rye, most fruits and veggies (sorry, no avocado!) and legumes. You can view the entire food list by clicking on "Food Guidelines" here.
The best Ayurvedic herbal formula for Kapha type of joint pain is Punarnavadi Guggulu. This traditional herbal combination balances the water element and promotes healthy elimination of Kapha in the tissues. It is effective in reducing edema and targets the kidneys, heart, and joints.
Kapha type of joint pain can be greatly improved by massaging either Mahanarayan oil or Kapha
massage oil into the affected areas. It's best to heat up the oil before using it so that it can also warm up the joint and penetrate fully. Mahanarayan oil is a great
analgesic oil and eliminates
stiffness, while the herbs specific to Kapha in the Kapha massage oil reduce excess water and promote circulation through mild sweating.
Regards, Dr.Sharmila