For about 3 months now I ve had this cough that simply wont go away. Yes, I am a smoker & I m going to quit smoking in the near future (within the month). I am currently on anti-biotics (Amoxicilline/clavulanic acid) althought this is for a tooth-infection. Also had a chest-xray made about 2 weeks back to check out my lungs. (no abnormalities were found) My doctor just keeps sending me away with anti-reflux tablets and stuff like that. This cough is however driving me crazy. It seems to be worse when I wake up, then it doesnt bother me at all during the day, then it returns around 6-7pm again, I start to dry-heave at this point. With a bit of luck that would do it again for a few hours before it returns again. Recently the cough started to taste like, for a lack of a better description, tabacco with a metalic aftertaste on the tongue. At no point during the coughing do I actually cough up any phlegm , it sorta comes up to the back of my mouth but stays stuck there and have to swallow it down. It feels like the cough is originating from my larynx . Anybody that can help me find out what this is as googling for other results is just making me paranoid as hell.