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Psoriasis is a chronic problem.If not completely cured ,it can definitely be controlled to the extent that you may just need moisturizers to keep it dormant.
Even though the exact cause of psoriasis is not known ,but there are few aggravating factors ,which needs to be seen and avoided. Just to point few, is the use of anti inflammatory drugs ( few painkillers) & stress can aggravate psoriasis.
As you said that you are facing a lot of mental agony ,which I can completely understand ,as I see such cases daily in my practice. One has to control stress ,so that this doesn't aggravate your disease. Alcohol in take also can aggravate the disease.
There are various treatment available in allopathy ,which depends upon the extent of disease and type of psoriasis.
The most important is the use of moisturizers at least 3-4 times a day.
Apart from
topical steroid creams ,there is
calcipotriol & tazoretine which is the latest of the lot for limited psoriasis.
For extensive psoriasis ,we have oral
methotrexate ,cyclosporin ,
mycophenolate mofetil etc. Once psoriasis is controlled with the above medicines it becomes easy to keep it suppressed with the use of just moisturizers.
Another safe and effective therapy is
PHOTOTHERAPY.This is of two types -PUVA & NBUVB.These are specialized
light therapy which helps heal psoriasis effectively.
This is just to brief you with the treatment options available .But please remember always take treatment from a
dermatologist and not otherwise .A skin specialist would understand your skin best.There are various diseases in skin that not only effects skin but also effects one mentally ,and that is the reason you need a specialist to understand you best.
Hope this would help you ,if you have any further query ,kindly write back to us.
Dr.Bharat chawda