Hi, my friend was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder about 9 mos. ago after a year long delusional psychosis . He was 23, 6 4 , slim build. during his psychosis he became obsessed with a popstar and stalked her .Eventually he came to believe she could read his mind and was trying to steal his soul. This is when his obsession took on an angry turn and he was hospitalized. He said has not taken his risperidone since January, yet when we ve tried to have sex he s had erectile problems. Can the illness cause impotence? He says his doc has prescribed wellbutrin and that his diagnosis has changed to depression with psychotic features. This scares me since he s not taking his antipsychotic . He is stalking me and doesnt think there s anything wrong with that. Also, I sense an underlying anger that presents itself as strange passive agressive behavior/agreesive behavior. Even though he hasn t physically hurt me he has defaced property. He painted my guitar without asking. He tossed a big rock through a business because he thinks they deseved it by rejecting him. According to him he is always the victim. I ve had to cease all interaction with him. Do you think he s headed for psychosis? Should I contact his parents?