Stomache Pain. Top of the stomache (hand size), pain comes and goes for the last 15 days. Xray and scan has been diagnosed normal, buscopan only relieves pain , able to sleep and do physical work no problem, but its stressful to not know what it is. Because of the iron tablet I take Im not regular maybe once a week, its with a dark stools due to the iron tablets.I put my jack russell dog down 10 days ago he was coughing up blood with a blotting stomache the vet said he was to old have surgery. Im hoping I havent got what he had, My GP checked me their was no evidence of serve pain, she said to take panadole and if pain gets worse my next step will be to have a tube stuck up my anus to go through my stomache . Do I live with this pain , do i wait till im bleeding before anything is done? I worried.